Robot States

Robot states refer to the measured or estimated information about the robot at a snapshot in time. The data structure containing all robot states is defined by flexiv::rdk::RobotStates in header file flexiv/rdk/data.hpp.


Despite the control mode the robot is currently in, robot states are always updated and published to the user in real time at 1kHz. However, the user can control how frequently they access the data by simply controlling the rate at which Robot::states() function is called.

Robot states include:

  • Measured joint-space states: joint positions, velocities, torques, etc.

  • Computed Cartesian-space states: Cartesian pose, velocity, etc.

  • Estimated states: external joint torques, external TCP wrench (force and moment), etc.

Please refer to flexiv::rdk::RobotStates for detailed documentation on each state.