Where can I obtain RDK library files?

See Download RDK library.

What OS and programming languages does RDK support?

See Compatibility.

What features are available in the current version of RDK?

See Key features.

It seems something was wrong and the robot is not doing what I commanded, how can I check what happened?

The RDK client will throw exceptions and provide error messages for errors that happen on the client side. Errors that happen on the robot server side is managed by the Flexiv Elements UI tablet, so you should also check if any error message popped up on the UI tablet. See Troubleshooting for more details.

Can I clear robot errors via RDK?

Yes, you can use Robot::clearFault() to clear minor errors triggered by the robot software. However, if any critical error is triggered, a reboot is mandatory. In addition, based on the type of critical error, a recovery operation may be needed. See Troubleshooting for more details.

How can I access the external force on the end-effector?

Call flexiv::Robot::getRobotStates() to obtain the latest robot states data, which will be stored in the flexiv::RobotStates data struct, whose member variables extWrenchInTcp and extWrenchInBase will have the data you are looking for.

How can I free-drive the robot when using RDK?

See Invoke free-drive from UI tablet.

I toggled the Auto/Manual slide switch on the motion bar, and now RDK is not working, how to solve this?

See Re-enter remote Auto mode.

Where can I find the robot kinematics?

See Robot description (URDF).