Flexiv RDK APIs  0.10

This tutorial shows a demo implementation for teach by demonstration: free-drive the robot and record a series of Cartesian poses, which are then reproduced by the robot.

#include <flexiv/Robot.hpp>
#include <flexiv/Log.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
namespace {
std::string g_userInput;
std::mutex g_userInputMutex;
const std::vector<double> k_maxContactWrench = {50.0, 50.0, 50.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0};
void printDescription()
<< "This tutorial shows a demo implementation for teach by demonstration: free-drive the "
"robot and record a series of Cartesian poses, which are then reproduced by the robot."
<< std::endl
<< std::endl;
void printHelp()
// clang-format off
std::cout << "Required arguments: [robot IP] [local IP]" << std::endl;
std::cout << " robot IP: address of the robot server" << std::endl;
std::cout << " local IP: address of this PC" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Optional arguments: None" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// clang-format on
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Program Setup
// =============================================================================================
// Logger for printing message with timestamp and coloring
// Parse parameters
if (argc < 3 || flexiv::utility::programArgsExistAny(argc, argv, {"-h", "--help"})) {
return 1;
// IP of the robot server
std::string robotIP = argv[1];
// IP of the workstation PC running this program
std::string localIP = argv[2];
// Print description
log.info("Tutorial description:");
try {
// RDK Initialization
// =========================================================================================
// Instantiate robot interface
flexiv::Robot robot(robotIP, localIP);
// Clear fault on robot server if any
if (robot.isFault()) {
log.warn("Fault occurred on robot server, trying to clear ...");
// Try to clear the fault
// Check again
if (robot.isFault()) {
log.error("Fault cannot be cleared, exiting ...");
return 1;
log.info("Fault on robot server is cleared");
// Enable the robot, make sure the E-stop is released before enabling
log.info("Enabling robot ...");
// Wait for the robot to become operational
while (!robot.isOperational()) {
log.info("Robot is now operational");
// Teach By Demonstration
// =========================================================================================
// Recorded robot poses
std::vector<std::vector<double>> savedPoses = {};
// Robot states data
flexiv::RobotStates robotStates = {};
// Acceptable user inputs
log.info("Accepted key inputs:");
std::cout << "[n] - start new teaching process" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[r] - record current robot pose" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[e] - finish recording and start execution" << std::endl;
// User input polling
std::string inputBuffer;
while (true) {
std::cin >> inputBuffer;
// Start new teaching process
if (inputBuffer == "n") {
// Clear storage
// Put robot to plan execution mode
// Robot run free drive
log.info("New teaching process started");
log.warn("Hold down the enabling button on the motion bar to activate free drive");
// Save current robot pose
else if (inputBuffer == "r") {
if (!robot.isBusy()) {
log.warn("Please start a new teaching process first");
log.info("New pose saved: " + flexiv::utility::vec2Str(robotStates.tcpPose));
log.info("Number of saved poses: " + std::to_string(savedPoses.size()));
// Reproduce recorded poses
else if (inputBuffer == "e") {
if (savedPoses.empty()) {
log.warn("No pose is saved yet");
// Put robot to primitive execution mode
for (size_t i = 0; i < savedPoses.size(); i++) {
log.info("Executing pose " + std::to_string(i + 1) + "/"
+ std::to_string(savedPoses.size()));
std::vector<double> targetPos
= {savedPoses[i][0], savedPoses[i][1], savedPoses[i][2]};
// Convert quaternion to Euler ZYX required by MoveCompliance primitive
std::vector<double> targetQuat
= {savedPoses[i][3], savedPoses[i][4], savedPoses[i][5], savedPoses[i][6]};
auto targetEulerDeg
= flexiv::utility::rad2Deg(flexiv::utility::quat2EulerZYX(targetQuat));
+ flexiv::utility::vec2Str(targetPos)
+ flexiv::utility::vec2Str(targetEulerDeg)
+ "WORLD WORLD_ORIGIN, maxVel=0.3, enableMaxContactWrench=1, maxContactWrench="
+ flexiv::utility::vec2Str(k_maxContactWrench)+ ")");
// Wait for reached target
while (
flexiv::utility::parsePtStates(robot.getPrimitiveStates(), "reachedTarget")
!= "1") {
"All saved poses are executed, enter 'n' to start a new teaching process, 'r' "
"to record more poses, 'e' to repeat execution");
// Put robot back to free drive
} else {
log.warn("Invalid input");
} catch (const flexiv::Exception& e) {
return 1;
return 0;
double rad2Deg(double rad)
Convert radians to degrees for a single value.
Definition: Utility.hpp:46
Base class for all custom runtime exception classes.
Definition: Exception.hpp:18
Helper functions to print messages with timestamp and coloring. Logging raw data to csv file coming s...
Definition: Log.hpp:19
void warn(const std::string &message) const
[Non-blocking] Print warning message with timestamp and coloring.
void info(const std::string &message) const
[Non-blocking] Print info message with timestamp and coloring.
void error(const std::string &message) const
[Non-blocking] Print error message with timestamp and coloring.
Main interface with the robot, containing several function categories and background services.
Definition: Robot.hpp:25
Data struct containing the joint- and Cartesian-space robot states.
Definition: Data.hpp:78
std::vector< double > tcpPose
Definition: Data.hpp:142