Flexiv RDK APIs  0.10
Public Attributes | List of all members
flexiv::RobotInfo Struct Reference

General information of the connected robot. More...

#include <Data.hpp>

Public Attributes

std::string serialNum = {}
unsigned int DOF = {}
std::string softwareVer = {}
std::vector< double > nominalK = {}
std::vector< double > qHome = {}
std::vector< double > qMin = {}
std::vector< double > qMax = {}
std::vector< double > dqMax = {}
std::vector< double > tauMax = {}

Detailed Description

General information of the connected robot.

Definition at line 22 of file Data.hpp.

Member Data Documentation


unsigned int flexiv::RobotInfo::DOF = {}

Robot degrees of freedom (DOF)

Definition at line 28 of file Data.hpp.

◆ dqMax

std::vector<double> flexiv::RobotInfo::dqMax = {}

Upper limits of joint velocities: \( \dot{q}_{max} \in \mathbb{R}^{DOF \times 1} \). Unit: \( [rad/s] \).

Definition at line 64 of file Data.hpp.

◆ nominalK

std::vector<double> flexiv::RobotInfo::nominalK = {}

Nominal motion stiffness of the Cartesian motion-force control modes: \( K_{nom} \in \mathbb{R}^{6 \times 1} \). Consists of \( \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 1} \) linear stiffness and \( \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 1} \) angular stiffness: \( [k_x, k_y, k_z, k_{Rx}, k_{Ry}, k_{Rz}]^T \). Unit: \( [N/m]~[Nm/rad] \).


Definition at line 40 of file Data.hpp.

◆ qHome

std::vector<double> flexiv::RobotInfo::qHome = {}

Joint positions of the robot's home posture: \( q_{home} \in \mathbb{R}^{DOF \times 1} \). Unit: \( [rad] \).

Definition at line 46 of file Data.hpp.

◆ qMax

std::vector<double> flexiv::RobotInfo::qMax = {}

Upper limits of joint positions: \( q_{max} \in \mathbb{R}^{DOF \times 1} \). Unit: \( [rad] \).

Definition at line 58 of file Data.hpp.

◆ qMin

std::vector<double> flexiv::RobotInfo::qMin = {}

Lower limits of joint positions: \( q_{min} \in \mathbb{R}^{DOF \times 1} \). Unit: \( [rad] \).

Definition at line 52 of file Data.hpp.

◆ serialNum

std::string flexiv::RobotInfo::serialNum = {}

Robot serial number

Definition at line 25 of file Data.hpp.

◆ softwareVer

std::string flexiv::RobotInfo::softwareVer = {}

Robot software version

Definition at line 31 of file Data.hpp.

◆ tauMax

std::vector<double> flexiv::RobotInfo::tauMax = {}

Upper limits of joint torques: \( \tau_{max} \in \mathbb{R}^{DOF \times 1} \). Unit: \( [Nm] \).

Definition at line 70 of file Data.hpp.

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